Friday, February 1, 2013

Colorful SweetPea Mash

Colorful SweetPea Mash

This recipe serves 2 abundant plates :)

1generous cup thinly sliced butternut squash
1 bag of frozen green peas
alfa alfa
1 bunch of scallion (3-5 according to taste)
2  garlic cloves
olive oil
2 Portobello mushroom
1 avocado or red quinoa

Putting it together:
-preheat over at 350' then place portobello mushroom with thyme and salt (bake until soft)
-slice up the squash and place on pan (cook until soft and brown)
-boil green peas until soft with a little salt and a clove of garlic
-on a separate pan heat: olive oil, basil and finely chopped scallions and garlic. Cook until soft on low heat
-drain the peas and add them to oil/scallion pan add a little salt and pepper  (let them simmer for a few minutes)
-place peas in food processor or vitamix (level 1 speed) and blend 
I blended them just a bit so there was still some whole peas

Serving it up:
-place a first layer of squash
-then add alfaalfa
-add portobello 
-add peas on top
top it off with a slice or two of avocado or red quinoa

Share how it goes! would love to hear about it!

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