Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The secret

"When you are interested you do what's convenient, when you're committed you do whatever it takes."John Ashraf

Here is a good,easy way to shape your life around things you care:

-write out what you are committed to in your life
-make a wish list of 10 things you'd like to commit to and set a dead line
-each week write down 3 steps you can do to help yourself make that commitment
-to make it easier you can even break down each step into little steps that built to it

I am committed to my practice
I wish to master headstand
3 steps for week one-
1) do poses that will strengthen my shoulders throughout the practice
(you could make list of the poses)
2) work on engaging and aligning the lower body
(tailbone to heels awareness)
3) practice at the wall to gain confidence
(different wall or partner techniques)

... This is just an example but you can apply it to anything in your life that needs commitment..
... Be specific!!
... And have fun!

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