Wednesday, April 18, 2012

In search of the present moment

"The best yogi is not one who is perfect from day one, but one who sees the patterns of suffering that they have contributed to and then works tirelessly to burn through those negative samskaras every day of their life. One step along the way towards living a more peaceful life is to change the negative samskaras into positive ones."

As Kino suggests, in order to eliminate negative Samskaras we need to create new positive ones, we do that by being present in the moment. The practice of Ashtanga Yoga, doing the same sequence of asana everyday, serves as a mirror, so you begin noticing your habits, mind reactions, subconscious reactions...all that hidden past stuff, which in Yoga we define as Samskaras. 
Imagine a very messy, dusty, unorganized room, with a big locked door. The room is our subconscious, the mess, our accumulated samskaras, our daily practice is the key to this door, to our subconscious, and the breath our cleaning tools. Asthanga Yoga gives us the chance to devote a certain amount of time a day to come face to face with ourselves.
Each day you come to the mat, you unlock the door, and you breath your way into up, putting order. When you are done you take Savasana, you rest so that all those subtle changes within you settle...only then can change happen.

Like moving from winter into spring, we clean out our closet, we get rid of what we don't need, we store what we no longer need and make space for new things that are useful to us in the present moment. Practice allows us to create space for change, to go inside our subconscious and let go of habits, impressions, Samskaras, that are enabling us to be in the now, emotionally...choosing to lead a happy life. 
The moment is always there for us to be in, it is old habits, that keep us away from it; it is up to us to step on to the mat and make the change, unlock the key and dive in, clean out...leave the place a little better then we found it.
For more info on Samskaras refer to Yoga Sutras 1.5 &1.18 ..there are many more but these are nice to begin with :)

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